United States Submarine Veterans
Our Creed
"To perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in the pursuit of their duties while serving their country.
That their dedication, deeds, and supreme sacrifice be a constant source of motivation toward greater accomplishments.
Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States of America and its Constitution."
That's our "CREED" but it's not who we are
We are United States Submarine Sailors! We were,
and are, members of the elite fighting force of the United
States Navy.
Included are submariners from the very early
If you are Qualified in Submarines we want you in
United States Submarine Veterans organization
Prospective USSVI members
Call 1-877-542-Dive to join!
Scorpion Base SS 278
Invites you to attend the local base meeting
at the
DAV in Sioux Falls, SD
1519 W 51st St
Exit 2 on I229 then north to W 51st Street
turn starboard to heading 090 for .217 nautical miles
(turn right about 1/4 mile)
to the DAV on the South side of the road
Phone: (605) 332-6866
SF DAV Facebook page
On the 3rd Saturday
of odd numbered Months
Next meeting will be held at the DAV on January 18, 2025 at 1 pm
Come, share your stories and tales of the sea!
Scorpion Base Contact Information
Base Commander: Kent Winter: Phone
Base Secretary/Treasurer: Brian Schnurr: Phone
Base Storekeeper: Brad Gross:
Shipmates, Send your great "Sea Story" to me and I will get it up on the web site for all to see and enjoy
Read some of your shipmates sea stories here!
FACEBOOK LINKS:(use browser back button to return here)
Scorpion Base Facebook
USS South Dakota SSN 790 Commissioning Committee
USS South Dakota SSN790 Facebook page
Any member needing a SubVet vest should contact the Storekeeper
and let him know sizes and what they want to get put on the vest.
We have USS South Dakota SSN-790 ball caps available! We can also do special orders for you if you need a quantity.
We can get summer shirts with dolphins and the base information if you want a cooler option than the vest for meetings (see photos below)
Contact the Storekeeperand get yours now!
Now Hear this! Now Hear this!
SD Scorpion Base NEW! Photo Gallery coming SOON!
Pray for our Service Men & Women
Links to other informational sites
Use your browser "back" button to return here
Boats on Eternal Patrol
Scorpion photos Online
USS SCORPION SSN 589 analysis
Eternal Patrol Website
Put simply, over the last century, America's
submariners have risked, served, fought and on occasion died
so that Americans might have a safer and freer life. In the
they have given full measure to the Navy, the nation, and the
free world.
I can think of no higher price."
Admiral William J. Crowe, Jr. USN Ret.
Questions or comments on the website? Contact the webmaster E-mail